Monday, August 3, 2009

Jenny Craig

I started on Jenny Craig a few weeks ago and I have to say it helped me so much. I was in this plateu weight funk for a while, I have to say over a year. I thought I would never leave this certain 3 digit number - but low and behold I was able to lose 15 lbs and I know its not just water weight

I started on Week 1 losing 6 lbs and my 2nd week losing 5 lbs. I fluntuated back and forth with my weight after the weeks ahead b/c I didn't say consistent with my diet. I know that a combination of 1500 calories and excercise will do it.

As of today I am about 15-17 lbs less - my goal is to be 20 lbs lighter in a few weeks. I told myself when I reach 20lbs I will cut my hair. A new hair do is def. in need.

I am hoping that I will be able to take pics and showcase them as well.

Happy Readings and good nite!

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